Monday, March 23, 2020

Lockdown - Day 8

Hey everyone! To nobody's surprise, this mandatory quarantine has been officially extended by the government, which means that the game goes on.

Just a few minutes ago I "successfully" held my first videoconference with some of my C1.2 students. It was both fun and messy. Anyway, I'm going to schedule similar e-meetings for every group. So be ready to get an email with an invite!

As far the on-line courses are concerned, I have already assigned exercises to the C1.2 class. As for the C1.1 course, I'm still waiting to receive the codes that will allow me to grant you access to the extra on-line Close-Up material.

In the meantime I have decided to revisit a grammar area that we were exploring right before the lockdown. I'm talking about comparative sentences. The texbook we are using in the C1.1 course (Close-Up) deals with the comparisons on pages 114 and 115. I realized that C1.2 students might also benefit from a quick brushup. Guess what I did... Yes. I edited a video so you either can refresh your frazzled memory or learn a few new tricks. Enjoy.


  1. Well. With any doubt. We can assert these moments are by far the most dramatic events we have ever lived


On teaching

So I'm about to wrap the whole thing up. The school year is almost over and I have the distinct feeling that I may not be returning to t...