Thursday, January 30, 2014

To resonate, to cherry-pick, frumpy, critique, stroller, busker, swine... all that came up in class. Do you remember?

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Hi! This is only (that is to say... preferably) for my C1 students. Pedro was thoughtful enough to share a link to this website. It's all about tips that help you make your life a lot easier. Not exactly chindogus but something "in the vicinity" of it, don't you think?

Friday, January 24, 2014

Hey everybody. How many of you follow this blog? Is it six? Seven? I really don't know... Anyhow, for those of you out there that read my posts here is a list of expressions that you should be able to use:

Intermedio 2
Me preocupan los efectos secundarios.
Todo me da vueltas.
Creo que he pillado algo.
Me duele la espalda cada vez que estornudo.
Creo que podría estar embarazada.
Mi suegra se ha puesto de parto.
Me podría recetar un analgésico.
Se va a operar las orejas de soplillo.
Me hago un chequeo todos los años.
Tengo la tensión alta.
Le dio un ictus.
Voy a vomitar.
Tienes fiebre.

If you find yourself scratching your head because you can't think of an acceptable translation for those sentences... well, that means you should probably go over your notes. If that's not the case you're on the right path to Pass City (if you catch my drift).

C1 students: I'll post something for you soon enough. In the meantime you may have some fun reading about this ground-breaking method that will allows you to learn Mandarin in 8 months. It has been developed by a Spaniard who apparently aims at exploiting the gullible. Be that as it may, the creator of the method is giving interviews all over the place. We've seen the "natural way", "English with 1000 words". When will this nonsense stop?

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Let's see... Happy New Year, everyone! Time surely flies when you're having fun, doesn't it? My last post is almost a full month old. The Xmas season is over and exams are round the corner. Where does that leave us? Well, the intermediate groups are looking into the mesmerizing world of interior design while my C1 class concentrates hard on the intricacies of the criminal underworld. So whilst some students think of adjectives that can describe Ikea furniture others wrack their brains trying to discuss the process of disabling a handgun (which is, incidentally, the way one refers to it).

FP students: the clock keeps ticking. We are going to learn ways to generalize and avoid sweeping statements.

Intermediate 2 students: we're about to complete unit 4, which means we will devote the rest of our classes to revising. I will give you back your compositions next week.

C1 students: those of you who agreed to get involved in my video project should start looking at that calendar so we can schedule a "recording session". You will get your essays on Monday.

And that's it for now

On teaching

So I'm about to wrap the whole thing up. The school year is almost over and I have the distinct feeling that I may not be returning to t...