Sunday, November 24, 2013

My dear C1 students: we're going to tackle a kind of vocabulary that, quite frankly, steps over the borders of our level (and into C2 hostile territory). I'm talking about noise-related words… Anyhow, first things first. This time I just wanted to call your attention to some of those terms we used in the classroom. Do you remember these words: crusty, mullet, geek, tramp stamp, hikikomori, goofy?  Could you think of appropriate translations for forro polar o palabra de moda? And do you know what purple haze means? All that came up in our classes...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rodolfo, I´m back too, like the terminator... about the word mullet I have to say that "salmonete" is not the only correct translation because there is another gener of fish which are well known with this name, but they´re not tasty, not at all! see you!


On teaching

So I'm about to wrap the whole thing up. The school year is almost over and I have the distinct feeling that I may not be returning to t...