Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Hi everyone,

One last post to wish you all the best. I was truly touched by your presents and your displays of affection. It’s been a fascinating school year for me. I just hope that my work with you pays off somehow.

As for the little magazines I put together for the previous post I would like to say that I’m sorry about the typos. You’re smart enough to realize that the phrase “Brian making in action” doesn’t make much sense. I’m afraid I had written “Brian making a presentation” and then decided to change it to “Brian in action”. Things like that happen when you write in a rush.

Soon, I’m going to teach a couple of classes for the Universidad de Cantabria. They’re going to be B1-B2 level classes. In actual fact it will be a crash course: from July 4 to July 8.  I’ll be doing doing the first two hours every morning. Marta, the current director of the school, will teach the next two. So if you know someone who might be interested in something like that don’t think twice. Let them know about it. It will be fun.

By the way there’s another course which will take place the week after (from July 11-15). The teachers on that one are going to be Marga (our director-to-be) and Nuria. You may wonder why I tell you this. Well, let’s put it this way. Most of you did not learn about this very blog until April, which speaks volumes about my questionable skills in the area of self-promotion. I thought I might try and reverse that embarrassing state of affairs…

Anyhow, there will be one last post before the summer holidays so “stayed tuned”.

On teaching

So I'm about to wrap the whole thing up. The school year is almost over and I have the distinct feeling that I may not be returning to t...